Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We Remember

Please remember to thank the Vet that you know and the remember the ones that have fallen. When you speak your mind freely, when you vote, when you sleep in your bed safe and sound, you have a Vet to thank for that.

Most of us will never understand or being to comprehend the sacrifices that these men and women have made. They leave behind their babies, their homes, their calm and peaceful lives. They give their lives for the sake of a flag; to keep flying over a nation of both grateful and apathetic, deserving and spoiled, enlightened and ignorant. They give you that right to either honor their sacrifice or spit on the flag.

We, the People, this nation, is a by-product of their sacrifice, of their blood and tears. Yet, we seem to care more about Paris Hilton's new beau or what Matt Damon thinks. We tend to put these clueless, beautiful morons on a throne and forget the real heroes. These lucky, misplaced idols would have NOTHING without the sacrifice of the Brave "Nobodies".

Both of my grandfathers served in WWII, and I don't think I ever properly thanked them for their service. It's too late now. Make sure you don't make that mistake! Regardless of what you think of the reasons our nation goes to war or agree with the cause, NEVER turn your back on these solders.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Terrorist, Be My Sweetie, Love ACLU.

Leave it to the brilliant people at the ACLU to figure out who the real victims are. Here, being the idiot I am, I thought that maybe the hundreds of people that died in 9/11 were the victims. Or, the thousands of solders who have fought and died after 9/11 to defend our country. What a moron I was!

The real victims here are the TERRORISTS! It's true, because the ACLU said so!

Obama decided to grow some common sense and NOT show those detainee pictures, and boy, is the ACLU ticked off! They KNOW that those poor, misunderstood, abused terrorists need a voice. Never mind that these photos may recruit more Al-Qaeda, thus causing more casualties and possibly more terrorist acts in our country.

Oops, my bad. "Terrorist" and "Terrorism" isn't PC. Let's call them "Peacefully Challenged". Or....."Well-Meaning Men that Just Happen to Have A Bomb Under Their Jacket", or...."Future Welfare Recipients".

Anyway, the ACLU and all the other Lefties are gasping like landlocked fish and crying "foul" over Obama's backtrack. Their Savior is betraying them! He's picking the troops and the safety of our country over these well-deserving people who would love to rip off all our heads and spit down our throats. The horror! The nerve!

You know what Janeane Garofalo would probably say.... "This isn't about protecting our troops or honoring the 9/11 victims. He doesn't know his history. This about hating the Muslims!"

Seeing Lefties squirm. Priceless! It's moments like these that put a smile on my face.