Friday, February 27, 2009

Tea Party!!!

I just found out about this on Fox News.

And Pittsburgh canceled, because of rain?!? Oh come on Pittsburgh, we are made of tougher stuff!!! We aren't made of sugar, so we won't melt.

I bet Dan Rooney pulled some strings on that one. Hmmmmmmmmmm?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I love kids, I have two of my own. That's about all I can handle or afford. Some people want a bakers dozen, and hey, while I think they must be out of their gourds, I support their right to have as many as they want. It's America, and that should be our right.

However, what I don't want to support is: THEIR kids. Like I said, we support our own kids... without assistance. I was aware of what my lifestyle, financial situation (and sanity) could bear, and put the brakes on the number two. They are a joy and I love them more than life itself, and that's why I want to make sure I can afford to buy clothes for them, involve them in extra curricular activities, give them the love and attention they need, without taxing myself and being a burden to society. That is my choice.

Octa-mom's choice was to have kids, and keep having kids, knowing full well she couldn't support them. Yes, this is America and that is her right. However, these thinly veiled socialist programs our government has in place dictate that I HAVE to pay for her lack of money (and marbles). According to her dad, she was already on food stamps BEFORE she got pregnant with the 8. So.....where did she get the money for these implants? Where is she getting the money to go to school? You know who!

I feel this is a moral pickle. On the one hand, I don't think the government has the right to dictate how many kids we can have. We can't and shouldn't sterilize her or take her kids away, unless she is a bad mother who isn't taking care of them properly. Nor I do I think the kids should suffer for their mom's craziness. They definitely should be provided for. However, I am OUTRAGED that you and I have to pay for her obvious lack of common sense and, what I feel, is a desperate cry for attention. She even has the gall to set up a website to ask for donations! Do you think people will give her donations? Absolutely! Why? Because people are MORONS!!!

This isn't a hapless mom who didn't have any children and planned on having one child that she could support. This is a mom who was already blessed (and overwhelmed financially) with 6 kids who wanted to bring another one into the world that she couldn't afford in the first place.

So, bottom line, do I think she should get government support? No. Sorry, I don't think we should pay for other people's dumb choices. It just encourages more dumb choices. I do feel bad for those babies, and I don't want them to suffer. So.....

Brilliant Idea! Let's make the doctor who did this support the kids! He, in essence, got her pregnant, ergo, he should support them. Come on people, he knew what he did was wrong. He violated his hypocratic oath of "do no harm". He should be fined, and his fine should go to child support.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Would George Think? Washington, I mean

WASHINGTON - The White House is standing by the private banking system.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked Friday about speculation that the Obama administration may seek to nationalize two financial bellwethers, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp.
Gibbs responded that the administration continues to "strongly believe that a privately held banking system is the correct way to go." Along with that, he said, the government must ensure that banks are sufficiently regulated.....

When a reporter suggested Gibbs could do that by saying that Obama would never nationalize banks, Gibbs would not make that statement, but emphasized: "I think I was very clear about the system that this country has and will continue to have."
Shares of Bank of America , Citigroup and Wells Fargo & Co fell more than 20 percent after Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said the nationalization of some banks could be needed "at least for a short time," according to a Bloomberg report. Their decline contributed to dragging the major stock indexes lower.
In response, Bank of America spokesman Robert Stickler said "We see no reason to nationalize a bank that is profitable, has strong capital and strong liquidity and is lending actively."

Hmm, well, it sounds good. Yet... I worry about the underlined statement. This gives Obama wiggle room to go back and say, "Well, folks, things have so super, crazy, desperately, doomsday bad that NOW I feel I owe it to the American people to nationalize these capitalistic monsters. It's all their fault, after will all be temporary. Really. I mean it." Uh huh.

I want hope. I sincerely do. But I'm telling you, mark my words, Obama is going to change his mind on many things, all in the name of saving the country and what is best for the American people. Let government take care of your money, because we have such a great track record. Hey, look at Social Security. The government wants us to save us from ourselves. They know what is best for us. The scary part is, they may be right.

I mean (big tangent alert!) in the past 100 years, look what we have become. We used to be a nation made of people who knew how to live off the land and work hard to get what they had. Nobody handed you nothing. Ayuh.

Now, we are a nation of mostly fat, lazy, clueless slobs . We can't manage money, we don't know history or current events, and the only thing we get worked up about is losing the TV remote. Hey, I'm not totally guiltless here! I lost my power for 12 hours last week, and I was one grouchy lady. It was a traumatic experience!

Then, a few days later, my 5-year-old daughter learns about George Washington in preschool, and the things he didn't have. No electricity. No cars. No TV. No INTERNET. I had a real interesting and thought-provoking discussion about George's lack of things, and we both marveled about how he actually still survived and had a life. Then, I posed this question to my daughter. "What do you think George Washington would think of us? Of our time and our people?" Neither one of us were sure of the answer. I think the technology might...scare him? I really don't know what he would think of our government or people.

What do you think? Would he be proud or disgusted?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Obama of Oz

I'm sure I'm not the first person to coin that phrase...I couldn't possibly be. But, this is why I think it fits him so perfectly:

1) Everyone thinks he can give them their hearts desire. But what we don't realize is, we, as Americans, have the courage, heart, brains, and home we need. It is within ourselves; we don't need big government to provide and take care of us.
2) He is bigger than life. Everyone is in awe of him. He is presented as all powerful and wise, but look behind the curtain, people. He is only a man with smoke and mirrors.

He is a showman, a snake oil seller, a man of questionable ethics. In Oz (or DC) he is basically a God.

He is a politician who is trying to play a Wizard. With a wave of his pen, the dow plunges into a record low. Scarecrow, please lend him a brain!

And...lend the rest of us the heart and courage to not go quietly home....

What Are You Guys Afraid Of?

"An Obama senior adviser has indicated that the administration is mulling whether the controversial Fairness Doctrine will get a new lease on life, according to a report in Broadcasting and Cable. The now defunct Fairness Doctrine, if revived, could be used by a liberal administration to silence Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other radio talk show hosts, as well as much of the new alternative media. The doctrine required broadcasters to report both sides of controversial issues. The Federal Communications Commission dropped it in 1987....This soft position is a departure from a much more definitive posture on the doctrine touted during the Obama campaign in June 2008: “Senator Obama does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters,” press secretary Michael Ortiz said in an e-mail to Broadcasting and Cable at that time....Last week on a radio show, former President Bill Clinton announced that in his opinion something needed to be done to balance broadcasting. “Well, you either ought to have the fairness doctrine or you ought to have more balance on the other side,” Clinton said, “because essentially there has always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows.” -Source: Newsmax

First of all, you have a Democrat President and a majority of Democrats in the House and are you guys afraid of, exactly? These talk shows have been around for years, yet you bozos all got elected. I don't see you demanding that The New York Times or any other obviously liberal rags have to be "balanced". Let's be honest, guys, this isn't about balance. This is about extermination. This is about silencing the right, once and for all. This is government controlled censorship. Yes, CENSORSHIP. When the government dictates what we HAVE to listen to, it's censorship. Do you people get that? You are going to be forcing your liberal agenda pill down my throat, like it or not. How the hell is that FAIR??? The radio stations want to carry the conservative agenda, because, yes, they want to make money. They make money because...gee, people want to listen to conservative talk shows! If they didn't, they wouldn't make money. Simple economics. Supply and demand. It's called"capitalism". Liberal talk shows fail, time and time again. Well, except in places where there are a lot of liberals who will listen, I'll give you that.
Oh, I have a question....who's going to fund these liberal talk shows that no one wants to listen to? Hmmm. Let's see. Oh, I know, it's US. You are going to fleece us, so the radio stations have funding to carry shows that most people won't listen to! BAAAAAA!!!!
As we all know, Capitalism is an evil empire that Socialism cannot tolerate. And so is free thinking. This is why the Liberals are rallying around this (cough) "FAIRNESS Doctrine", which will basically be Big Brother telling us "if you say THIS, you have to say THAT TOO, because that's only FAIR." And guess what....all the people who do conservative talk shows will throw up their hands and say, "Screw this, I'm done." And who saw that coming? The liberals! There will be NO voice of the other side of the story! Exactly!
Oh, and I LOOOOVE how the "Obama of Oz" flip-flopped on this issue (note the underlined part) I'm sure we will see more of this....a LOT more of this.
I know, some of you die hard republicans voted for this guy. You thought, "Oh, he's not so scary. He's a moderate. We need change. This sounds so good." You bought it the snake oil, people...and it's laced with arsenic.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Socialism. It's here


Welcome to my blog; I'm a blog newbie, but a Ranting Professional. I've never had the "Alfred E. Neuman" mentality, as much as I would like to. It would make my life a lot easier, I suppose. If you are one of those people who sees what is going on in the world and simply shrugs their shoulders, you have my contempt.
My main goal, my purpose, my drive, my passion: freedom. Government is trying to herd us into our little pens. The sad part is, we are letting them, because, like sheep, we are scared. Confused. Passive. We want government to bail us out, take care of us, help us. What we are blind to, or refuse to see, is.....there is a price to government helping us. They will not give us something for nothing. Slowing but surely, they will take over our lives. They will dictate what we listen to on the radio (i.e. Fairness Doctrine). They will take more and more money out of our pockets to pay for the billion of dollars of debt that this stimulus bill has created. You hear the word "Car Czar" thrown around, like it's a natural step in democracy. That is scary.
You should be scared. But you should not run and cower. You should not lie down in your pen and go to sleep. We need to be the wolves, standing up to wolves.