Thursday, February 19, 2009

Socialism. It's here


Welcome to my blog; I'm a blog newbie, but a Ranting Professional. I've never had the "Alfred E. Neuman" mentality, as much as I would like to. It would make my life a lot easier, I suppose. If you are one of those people who sees what is going on in the world and simply shrugs their shoulders, you have my contempt.
My main goal, my purpose, my drive, my passion: freedom. Government is trying to herd us into our little pens. The sad part is, we are letting them, because, like sheep, we are scared. Confused. Passive. We want government to bail us out, take care of us, help us. What we are blind to, or refuse to see, is.....there is a price to government helping us. They will not give us something for nothing. Slowing but surely, they will take over our lives. They will dictate what we listen to on the radio (i.e. Fairness Doctrine). They will take more and more money out of our pockets to pay for the billion of dollars of debt that this stimulus bill has created. You hear the word "Car Czar" thrown around, like it's a natural step in democracy. That is scary.
You should be scared. But you should not run and cower. You should not lie down in your pen and go to sleep. We need to be the wolves, standing up to wolves.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your assessment. Our country is being changed, and our rights are being taken away slowly with each passing day. It's funny you used the analogy of sheep. It reminds me of the movie "They Live"... I know it was a movie, but it seems so fitting. I think we should stand up and fight for our God given rights. I think Rowdy Roddy Pipper said it best... "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum." Stand up America and help take our country back!
