Thursday, March 5, 2009

For all you people that are blaming Evil Capitalism....
Capitalism isn't to blame for this. Sorry, all you sheep, but it's true. Wake up and smell the shit hitting the fan.....
and THEY think the solution is: Add more shit.
Sure people deserve homes. But when you start giving loans to people who can't afford to pay them back? I don't care if you white, black, etc...that's just plain stupid.
Let me be clear. Minorities are NOT to blame for this mess. I repeat, NOT. This isn't what I believe at all. I DO believe that alot of loans were given out to people who could not afford to pay them back. I also believe congress pressured many banks to do this, for the sake of "everyone deserves a home".
I remember working in the mortgage industry 8 or 9 years ago and the "no down payment" thing was really popular. My bosses said, nothing good can come of this. They saw it coming from a mile away.

1 comment:

  1. Barney Frank should be tried for treason and sent to the slammer. I cannot believe the people of MA continue to vote this boob into office. Keep up the good work and get the word out!
