Wednesday, March 4, 2009

1st Amendment Applies to ALL
Read this article. Now. Do it.

What do you think, people? Personally, I'm a little uncomfortable with the "Big Brother" tone of this article. Hey, I have no love of Bush. I'm not in the mentality that all Republicans are Saints and all Democrats are Devils. Personally, I think 90% of all politicians are inept or corrupt.
Whether he did this for the good of the people or for an excuse for martial law, I guess we will never know. And more to the point, does it matter WHAT his reason was? Is there a good excuse?

What gets me is some of the comments in response to this article. For some reason, someone mentions Rush Limbaugh and that he is a "Neo-Nazi that should be silenced". A few others agree.

Ok, here's an education for you poor, clueless sheep. First, the Nazi Party was a form of socialist government (called National Socialist Party), the very thing we conservatives fight against. Second of all, the Nazis silenced anyone that didn't agree with them.

Therefore...try to follow my logic here.... by suggesting what you are suggesting, you are not only denying the 1st Amendment but becoming what you, supposedly, abhor. I propose to you or anyone who feels we should silent any conservative voice, that you are closer to Nazism then any conservative would ever strive to be.

And, this....well, this will blow your mind....Obama, your precious Obama, with every bank he nationalizes and socialist program he puts into place, is closer to Nazism than anyone.

From Wikapedia: National Socialist philosophy came together during a time of crisis in Germany ......was in the midst of a period of great economic depression and instability.
Hitler said in 1927, “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance.”

The Nazis viewed private property rights as conditional upon the mode of use.[88] If the property was not being used to further Nazi goals, it could be nationalized. Government takeovers and threats of takeovers were used to encourage complance with government production plans, even if following these plans cost profits for companies. For example, the owner of the Junkers (aircraft) factory refused to follow the government’s directives, whereupon the Nazis took over the plant, placed the owner Hugo Junkers under house arrest, then compensated him for his loss. While the Nazis transferred public ownership and services in the private spector, they increased state control, regulation, and inference in economic affairs.[89]

So, blog reader, be mindful of the past. I'm not saying Obama is Hitler, that is an unthinkable analogy. But... there is always a potential if we are not wise and watchful watchdogs. We can't give government too much power and expect to survive as a nation.

I feel that our Founding Fathers were some of the sagacious people in our history, and their wisdom is timeless. You can never tell me that they would have us to sacrifice our freedoms for ANYTHING. NOT for terrorism and NOT for financial security.

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